Link to project website:
Horizon 2020 – Call: | H2020-ICT-2016-2 |
Topic: | ICT-7-2016 |
Type of action: | R&I |
Duration: | 30 Months |
Start date: | 1/6/2017 |
Project Title: | 5G ESSENCE: Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences |
5G ESSENCE addresses the paradigms of Edge Cloud computing and Small Cell-as-a-Service (SCaaS) by fuelling the drivers and removing the barriers in the Small Cell (SC) market, forecasted to grow at an impressive pace up to 2020 and beyond and to play a key role in the 5G ecosystem.
5G ESSENCE provides a highly flexible and scalable platform, able to support new business models and revenue streams by creating a neutral host market and reducing operational costs by providing new opportunities for ownership, deployment, operation and amortisation. 5G ESSENCE leverages knowledge, SW modules and prototypes from various 5G-PPP Phase-1 projects, SESAME being particularly relevant.
Among the fundamental 5G ESSENCE objectives are: Full specification of critical architectural enhancements; definition of the baseline system architecture and interfaces for the provisioning of a cloud-integrated multi-tenant SC network and a programmable RRM controller; development of the centralised SD-RAN controller to program the radio resources usage in a unified way for all CESCs (Cloud-Enabled Small Cells); exploitation of high-performance and efficient virtualisation techniques for better resource utilisation, higher throughput and less delay at the network service creation time; development of orchestrator’s enhancements for the distributed service management; demonstration and evaluation of the cloud-integrated multi-tenant SC network; conduct of a market analysis and establishment of new business models, and finally, maximisation of impact to the realisation of the 5G vision.
Project Participants:
Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE) | Greece |
NEC Europe Ltd. | UK |
INTEL R&D Ireland Ltd. | IE |
TriaGnoSys GmbH | DE |
ATOS Spain S.A. | ES |
Pietrzyk Slawomir (IS-WIRELESS) | PL |
WIND TRE S.p.A. | IT |
Athonet S.R.L. | IT |
Fundacio Privada i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya | ES |
Fondazione Bruno Kessler | IT |
Smart Mobile Labs GmbH | IT |
National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” | EL |
Capritech Limited (UK), Bapco LBG | UK |
Bapco LBG | UK |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | ES |
Thales Communications & Security SAS | FR |
Italtel S.p.A. | IT |
Orion Innovations Private Company | EL |
Universidad del Pais Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | ES |
Eight Bells Ltd. | CY |
Municipality of Egaleo | GR |