TCIL - Project Portfolio
Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL),N.Delhi, India was set up by the Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India, as a Public Limited Company in 1978 to render Consultancy services in the fields of Telecom and Information Technology. TCIL has emerged as a prime multi-disciplinary organization offering full range of services from design, engineering, equipment specifications, arranging supply and delivery of the equipment and its installation, testing and commissioning. Presently, TCIL is operating in more than 60 countries in the world. TCIL is certified under IS/ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Quality standards.TCIL can offer the following services viz.
1) Modernization of Telecom Network using state- of-the-art communication technologies
• Optical fibre networks• Microwave networks
• Internet Backbone
• Converged Billing System
2) Mobile Ind ustry Services
• Remote Monitoring of Telecom Sites for operations efficiency• Value added Services in Mobile Communication
• Lawful Interception & Monitoring
• Conversion of Mobile sites into green sites
3) Satellite-based Networks:
• Setting up of Satellite Hub Earth stations• Implementation of VSAT Networks
• Connectivity for inaccessible areas in the hilly terrain.
• Proliferation of Government Services in Education, Health & Banking
4) Nation al Bro ad Band Network
Planning and roll out of B road Band Network for connecting villages5) Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) Projects
FTTH P roject in urban areas for modernization of the Communication Network similar to the networks implemented in UAE, KSA, Kuwait, O man.6) Bro adcasting Networks : Radio and Television
• Digitization of Analog Television Channels• DTH Networks
• FM Radio
• Studios
7) e-Network Projects:
i. Tele-education Network for ensuring quality education in Remote Areas Based on the experience of Pan African e-Network, it is felt that this project would go a long way in establishing a network for Higher Education.
ii. Telemedicine Network would ensure capacity building for the Doctors and P ara -medics thro ugh CME (Continued Medical Education), and also provide Tele-medicine facilities to the remote areas. TCIL has successfully completed a number of such projects.
Statewide Training Network
TCIL has signed an MoU with Advanced Level of Telecom Training Centre (ALTTC) Ghaziabad (Near Delhi). Training of Myanmar personnel in state of art training center in India viz. Advanced Level of Telecom Training Centre (ALTTC) Ghaziabad (Near Delhi) can be organized by TCIL. TCI L would be keen to execute similar projects for other countries. A formal request with details from other country side would be desired to move forward.Data Centre and IT enabled services
Co-operation in Citizens’ Unique Identification printing Project:TCIL has also worked as a printing partner of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Planning Commission, Government of India for printing of Citizens’ Unique Identification letters called “Aadhaar Letters” in different languages based on Variable Data Printing (VDP) Technologies. TCIL would be keen to execute similar projects for other countries and offers its services to other countries for data collection, scanning, data management, data sto rage, variable data printing, distribution etc. A formal request with details from other country side would be desired to move forward.
8) e-Governance Projects
TCIL is actively involved in consultancy services for implementation of Mission Mode Projects under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) of Govt. of India in the field of Crime & Criminal Tracking and Network System besides• Land Records Digitization.
• Monitoring of Welfare Schemes
• Effective Management of Public Distribution Sys tem
A) Trace and Track Technology
Non-clonable ID Technology for Track and Trace of• Security related applications
• Document authentication
• Detection of fake medicines/ liquor
B) Resource Mapping using GIS
• Using Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS application that will provide a common platform for accessing data relating to national resources- natural & managed and various reports. TCIL will implement this application for one of the Province/Regions/Districts in a coun try. TCIL will help the countries to increase their knowledge on Remote Sensing (RS),Geographical Information System (GIS), database (Oracle, MS-Access, SQL), h ardware and system software.• For recording and utilization of national assets.
• A precursor to design of utility applications like electrical, water, Telecommunication, road, railway, transport networks
• Localization of government and monitoring offices etc.
C) e-tendering Platform
TCIL has tied up with for setting up its e-Procurement Portal for providing state -of- the-art e-Procurement services. This portal is based on comprehensive and secure e -procurement software, especially designed and developed for Government procurement based on “sealed -bid tendering” and many other features. TCIL would be keen to execute similar projects for other countries. A formal request with details from other country side would be desired to move forward.D) e-Banking /m-banking
Mobile Banking can be introduced in the rural and tribal belt, wherever it is not available. This will ensure financial inclusion in the country.E) Security an d Surveillance solutions
9) Optical Power Ground Wire (OPGW)
TCIL h as successfully completed OPGW network for nearly 4000 Kms in Algeria.10) Secured C ommunication System for Dis aster M anagement:
• Network Development for Disaster Management
• Fire Services,
• Police Services,
• Utility Services
• TETRA technology
11) Capacity Building:
Capacity Building in the Telecom an d I T Services in collaboration with leading Telecom Institutions in India.12) Supply of Optical Fibre Cable:
TCIL Company – TTL, is man ufacturing Op tical Fibre C able in collaboration with Fujikura, Japan along with ‘Diamond’, USA.13) Tablet PCs for students
In order to reduce the burden of children in terms of the number of books and also to make the curriculum mo re attractive, the Government of India has launched Akash Tablet, which is being provided at subsidized prices to the students in India. It would be possible to supply the same to the students.14) Vessel Traffic System:
• TCIL has implemented Vessel Traffic System (VTS) for the Gulf of Kachch in India, for the Minis try of shipping• Effective ship to shore communication and control on the lines of ATS (Air Traffic System).
15) Farmer’s Call Centre, Knowledge Management Centre
• Farmers Call Centre has been established by TCIL in India, wherein the farmers can get reply to their queries on a Telephone number in their local language directly from agricultural scientists. Similar project can be established for African Countries. A step ahead Farmer Knowledge Management Centre (FKMC) can be established which shall accumulate the knowledge of all local agricultural needs and support the farmers.• TCIL h as established a Call Centre for farmers in India called “KISAN CALL CEN TRE”. This has revolutionized the information flow in agriculture sector, thus benefiting the farmers im mensely, and also creating a d atabase for o ther org anizations. TCIL would be keen to execute similar projects for other count ries and expects a formal request with details from o ther country side.
16) Entrepreneur Help line
Entrepreneurs in order to establis h their business, need support in terms of financial help and also information about various Governments Schemes and Plans for them. This is being streamlined through an Entrepreneur Help Line in India, which has been commissioned by TCIL. Same project can be undertaken to enable establishment of business by Entrepreneurs.17) Cyber cities/Cyber park consultancy
TCIL has provided consultancy services in Cyber cities/Cyber parks in Algeria and Sudan. Similar Services can be offered for other countries.18) Solar Energy Projects (Green initiative)
To meet the Power supply requirements TCIL has already ventured into number of Solar Power Supply Projects in various countries for m any telecommunication p rojects. TCI L is also contemplating carrying out high c apacity grid interactive and Off -Grid Solar Power System all over the globe. Successful implementation of the following Solar Power Supply projects stand as evidences to TCIL’s expertise and success in this field. In India TCIL has completed installation of 75 no’s of 80 solar power sup ply system at railway level crossings with 7 days autonomy, under optical fiber project for South East and Central Railway. Installed solar panel along SDH lines in various regions of Ethiopia for power supply to SDH equipment. Similarly for Afghanistan, Nepal & Bhutan TCI L has installed solar panels of 100W,300W, 250W capacity. TCIL would be keen to execute similar projects for other countries having rich solar energy potentials.- Grid Interactive and Off-Grid Power Plants
- Roof Top Solar PV Systems for Individuals and Org anizations
- Implementation by RESCO Model
- Street Lighting
19) TCIL Managed Services
Functions– Network & Security Services
– Data Center & Cloud Services
– Collaboration Services
– Business Productivity Services Sectors
– For Government / PS U
– For Enterprises
– For Service Providers
– For Small & Medium Enterprises
Fundarc Communication.